01/20/2008 Fiesole 9:00 p.m.
As I left my hotel on my way to class this morning, the man who works at the front desk greeted a group of my friends and I by wishing us a happy inauguration day. He proceeded to tell us how excited Europeans were last year when Obama visited Germany during his campaign. When we arrived at class, the first words out of our teacher's mouth were, "Today is the d

ay of the inauguration." I guess this is when it hit me that this day in history is a really big deal, not only for America, but for the world. I am now watching the t.v., and I can't understand most of it, since it is all in Italian. The one word that I do understand is "Obama," and it is being said frequently and with vigor. Armani came on one news channel that was featuring fashion, and he was wearing an Obama button on the lapel of his gray suit. There is just so much international excitement over the possibility of change, especially in matters dealing with America's foreign policy. I am not going to go into a rant of Bush bashing; the poor man has had to deal with enough already. But I will say that I would like to join the world in anticipation of positive change. Seeing the excitement of Europeans over Obama's inauguration has really helped me to see the historical significance of this event and helped me to embrace the hope that surrounds this day. No matter what your political persuasions may be, I advise you to watch the inauguration speech. This is a day that will be remembered in history around the world.
We (at least some/most of us) are pretty exicited here too! He has a lot to deal with and seems like THE guy to get it done.