01/21/2009 Fiesole 10:30 p.m.

Nothing really amazing or earth-shattering happened to me today, and I was just thinking that it seemed like a pretty routine day. For this reason, I got a case of writer's block and debated in my head whether I should even write a blog for the day. But I didn't want to get out of habit, so I decided to write. This is when it occurred to me that what I now view as a "routine" day is anything but routine. I am so fortunate right now, and sometimes it doesn't even sink in. Among other things, I went hiking today at the same park I went to on Sunday. This time I brought some friends along, and we petted the horses.

For dinner I had delicious pasta, steak, French fries (sort of out-of-place, I know), and tiramisu. For most people these experiences are anything but routine, so I just realized that I really need to stop and realize the true value of all of the experiences I am having, even when they sometimes seem superfluous. There are so many people in the world who would just love to have the opportunity to do what I am doing right now, but, for whatever reason, they cannot. I have worked hard for this experience, and anticipated it for a long time, so I really want to soak it in for all it's worth.
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